Neue Masterstudien für USW-Nawi

Neue Masterstudien für USW-Nawi

Dear USW-stu­dents,

Are you inte­res­ted in bio­en­er­gy and the bio­eco­no­my, and are you still thin­king about which mas­ter pro­gram­me to app­ly for? The Graz Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy in Aus­tria and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Twen­te in the Netherlands
are star­ting in the win­ter­se­mes­ter 2017/18 with two new uni­que mas­ter programmes:
Bio­re­fi­ne­ry Engi­nee­ring and Bio­re­sour­ce Value Chain Manage­ment.
Both pro­gram­mes have been crea­ted through the EC fun­ded pro­ject Bio­En­er­gy­Train, coor­di­na­ted by eseia.

The two mas­ter pro­gram­mes are mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry based, and you get to work clo­se­ly with indus­try, as coope­ra­ti­ve lear­ning for­mats such as Stu­dent Camps, Pilot Plant Rese­arch Labs, Tech­ni­cal Site Visits and Sum­mer Schools are inte­gra­ted in the curricula.

Watch the video:

Want to learn more? 
Take a look at the brochu­re (see attach­ment), or visit our web­site,

Feel free to con­ta­ct me if you have any questions.

With best regards,

Linet­te Viertelhauzen

eseia Pro­ject Manager

 eseia Graz Office, Man­del­l­stras­se 11/II, A‑8010 Graz, Austria
Tel.: +43 316 873 5281
Fax: +43 316 873 5282
